Contact Us 2017-12-15T21:15:23+00:00

Contact Us

We been treating patients in Bismarck for almost 10 years now for losing your fat. Having served over 5,000 people in the local community, We can now help you effortlessly and easily lose fat with the Laser-Like Lipo.

After a massive success in the fitness industry we Vevazz with the help of National Institutes of Health, Nevada State Governor, and UNLV – had a scientific breakthrough in genetic testing. So much of a breakthrough, the technology is now patented. We ensure 99% accuracy in breast cancer gene testing where others ensure 21% accuracy. If you have any questions or queries about BRCA Gene Test then don’t hesitate to contact with us. Just fill out the below form and we’ll get back to you.

Or you can call us directly here 773-665-4005